Crypto news 2023 cryptocurrency exchange P2B

Acryptos NFT has been listed on P2PB2B

Acryptos NFT has been listed on P2PB2B

14 Sep 2021

ACSNFT is available for trading on our exchange.

?Trading pair: ACSNFT/USDT

The ACRYPTOS NFT (ACSNFT) is a BEP20-compliant cryptographic token that can be traded on the BINANCE blockchain just like BNB. It is both an ACRYPTOS NFT platform currency and an independent store of value for players and investors alike. Acryptosnft is a new project that will revolutionize how collectors buy and collect NFTs, and we are here to bring the next generation of exclusive digital art collectibles to you. Also, it is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.

Learn more about the project:
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