Crypto news 2023 cryptocurrency exchange P2B

p2pb2b has partnered with Nitrogen network

p2pb2b has partnered with Nitrogen network

15 Apr 2019

Dear users,

We are happy to announce that our platform is now collaborating with Nitrogen, a decentralized peer-to-peer network for secured lending and borrowing crypto.

The Nitrogen ecosystem allows users to earn interest by lending their assets: on the platform, they can find someone to give their cryptocurrency on their terms. The collateral held safely by a smart contract as an escrow agent.

Nitrogen also allows users to borrow crypto assets. Users can get liquid assets they need to go short, invest in ICOs, or utilize assets in other trades.

Thanks to the integration partnership, now traders can get loans in stablecoins or other tokens instantly, using various ERC20 assets as collateral. Moreover, the partnership allows using additional liquidity to increase profits. Investors will be able to take full advantage of the value of their current crypto portfolio without actually selling any part of it.

p2pb2b jointly with Nitrogen is going to provide you with even more advanced opportunities in the crypto sphere.

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